Donald Trump Eager to Be Interviewed by Robert Mueller
President Donald Trump declared this Wednesday that he was both willing and eager to be interviewed by special counsel Mueller
Robert S. Mueller III is the special counsel who is investigating the interference of Russia in the presidential campaign that took place in 2016. On this matter, Trump insists that he has done nothing wrong.
“I’m looking forward to it, actually,” Mr. Trump said when answering to months of speculation over the possibility that he was willing to submit to questions from the special counsel, who is believed to be investigating whether the Trump campaign helped the efforts of Moscow.
“Here’s the story, just so you understand. There’s been no collusion whatsoever. There’s no obstruction whatsoever, and I’m looking forward to it,” Trump said during a question and answer session
He also suggested that all his efforts to defend himself against detrimental allegations had been misinterpreted as wrongdoing.
“You fight back,” he said, and this kind of answer is characterized as “It’s Obstruction!”
Donald Trump’s lawyers have been negotiating with Mr. Mueller’s team for weeks regarding the prospect of having him answer some questions. At the same time, Trump accepted to speak with Mr. Mueller, but added that it should not be necessary as the allegations under examination are baseless.