Apple Struggles to Release the iPhone X to Market on Time
In order to speed up the production, the company allowed its suppliers to reduce the accuracy and quality of the phone’s new Face ID system
Even from early fall, it was clear that Apple will encounter some production problems and that it would not have enough iPhone Xs in time for the holidays. The biggest challenge regarded how to make such a sophisticated phone with advanced future in large enough numbers to meet demand.
As the company was closely watched by analysts and fan blogs, it came up with a solution: it quietly told its suppliers that they could reduce the accuracy of the face-recognition technology so that it would be easier to manufacture.
The iPhone X is set to debut on November 3, when everyone will see if the move has paid off. Some analysts say that there may still be too few devices to meet initial demand. It has been predicted that the company will have 2-3 million handsets available on launch day and 25-30 million units for the holiday quarter. However, during the same period last year, the company sold 78 million phones, even if it included all models.
The company’s desperate decision to downgrade the accuracy of its Face ID system, which they so strongly advertised, shows how hard it’s becoming to create cutting-edge features that consumers are hungry to try. While Apple has endured delays in the past, those typically have been restricted to certain colors or less important features. However, this time, the production hurdles affected a 10th-anniversay phone that was expected to generate a lot of revenue for the company.